Tag Archives: tax write-offs

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Part 2: Pass-through Income Deduction

    There is an old saying that you cannot eat an elephant in one [...]

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Tax Reform

  The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed by President Trump on December 22nd [...]

Tax Reform: The Conference Committee

The Conference Committee has reached a deal on tax reform! The bill will now go [...]

Tax Reform: Senate Bill vs House Bill

In the early hours of Saturday morning the Senate passed its version of tax reform. [...]

Tax Reform Update

The House of Representatives has passed a tax reform bill, which for the first time [...]

The IRS’ Heavy Reliance on the Online Account Benefits

From the Desk of Lauran L. Stevenson The IRS’ Heavy Reliance on the Online Account [...]

The Often-Overlooked Home Office Business Deduction

From the Desk of Lauran L. Stevenson The Often-Overlooked Home Office Business Deduction As part [...]

President Trump’s New Tax Proposal

From the Desk of Michael T. McCormick President Trump’s New Tax Proposal President Trump outlined [...]

Tax Planning for the Donald Trump Presidency

From the Desk of Michael T. McCormick Tax Planning for the Donald Trump Presidency After [...]

It’s a Write-off, Right? Business Deduction Requirements and Rules, Part 2

From the Desk of Lauran Corcoran It’s a Write-off, Right? Business Deduction Requirements and Rules, [...]